Traditional and Rehab Acupuncture
Acupuncture involves the stimulation and regulation of Qi energy and blood flow throughout the body. At La Cura, we weave together the science of Eastern and Western medicine to engage the body in healing. Traditional acupuncture treats the whole body as a constitution and targets more chronic conditions. Rehab acupuncture takes a more focused approach, and is designed to treat acute injury or discomfort, which may involve trigger point release therapy (eg. dry needling).
The Journey
Modern use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with La Cura is East meets West, traditional meets modern. Utilizing the knowledge and science from both perspectives on medicine, we embrace the energetic and physiologic changes brought about through Acupuncture. A powerful modality of healing involving very thin needle insertion to trigger the body’s own healing responses.
Traditional acupuncture sessions (30-45 minutes) address chronic health concerns involving needle insertions along Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians, promoting overall body balance and increasing blood flow. A recommended series of sessions (6-10) aims for long-term, permanent healing. Rehab acupuncture sessions (30-45 minutes) target acute pain, in and around the affected area, with the option for trigger point release. The need for multiple sessions varies based on the nature of the pain. All acupuncture sessions are conducted one-on-one in downtown Toronto or nearby areas upon request.
The application of Acupuncture, whether Traditional or Rehab, is far reaching, and so the results reflect that. This modality can be utilized to treat anything from hormone imbalances to anxiety to rotator cuff injuries the art is in the pattern of needle insertion, and the reward is in commitment to follow up appointments as required. With consistent reminders to the body to heal, Acupuncture has the capacity to treat the cause and symptoms of disease.